Professor, Department of Physics & Astronomy
McMaster University
Hamilton, ON, Canada

Adjunct Professor, Laboratoire de Physico-Chimie Théorique,
UMR CNRS Gulliver 7083,
ESPCI, Paris, France

CTO, MesoMat

phone: 905.525.9140 ext. 22658
fax: 905.521.2773
office: Arthur Bourns Building 432


  • Undergraduate: Physics 1A03, Soft Condensed Matter BIOPHYS 3S03

  • Graduate: Polymer Physics 755

  • Polymer Physics at the ESPCI in Paris


Brief Biography:

  • Professor, Dept. of Physics & Astronomy, McMaster University (07.2010 - )

  • Adjunct Professor (Chair Joliot) at the Laboratoire de Physico-Chimie ThéoriqueUMR CNRS Gulliver 7083, ESPCI, Paris, France (2013-2019)

  • Associate Professor & Associate Chair, Dept. of Physics & Astronomy, McMaster University (07.2005 - 06.2010)

  • Editor for European Physical Journal E

  • Assistant Professor, Dept. of Physics & Astronomy, McMaster University (01.2001-06.2005)

  • Lecturer at University of Sheffield, Physics & Astronomy (09/’00-12/’00)

  • Visiting Research Fellow, Univ. of Sheffield, Polymer Physics Group (04/’99-08/’00) 

  • PhD 1998, University of Guelph, Dept. of Physics, Thesis: Confinement effects in thin polymer films, Supervisor: Prof. John Dutcher

  • MSc 1994, University of Guelph, Dept. of Physics, Thesis: Implications of Non-leptonic Hyperon Decays on the Structure of the Proton, Supervisor: Prof. Gabriel Karl

  • BSc 1992, University of Guelph, Physics

